
序号 题目内容
62 In the xy-plane, the origin O is the midpoint of line segment PQ. If the coordinates of P are (r,s), what are the coordinates of Q ?
63 GMAT、gmat题库、gmat模考、gmat考满分The table shows the numbers of packages shipped daily by each of five companies during a 4-day period. The standard deviation of the numbers of packages shipped daily during the period was greatest for which of the five companies?
64 Company Q plans to make a new product next year and sell each unit of this new product at a selling price of $2. The variable costs per unit in each production run are estimated to be 40% of the selling price, and the fixed cost of each production run are estimated to be $5,040. Based on these estimated costs, how many units of the new product will Company Q need to make and sell in order for their revenue to equal their total costs for each production run?
65 A small business invests $9,900 in equipment to produce a product. Each unit of the product costs $0.65 to produce and is sold for $1.20. How many units of the product must be sold before the revenue received equals the total expense of production, including the initial investment in equipment?
66 GMAT、gmat题库、gmat模考、gmat考满分The dial shown above is divided into equal-sized intervals. At which of the following letters will the pointer stop if it is rotated clockwise from S through 1,174 intervals?
68 GMAT、gmat题库、gmat模考、gmat考满分The graph of the equation xy = k, where k < 0, lies in which two of the quadrants shown above?
69 When n liters of fuel was added to a tank that was already $$\frac1 3$$ full, the tank was filled to $$\frac7 9$$ of its capacity. In terms of n, what is the capacity of the tank, in liters?
70 GMAT、gmat题库、gmat模考、gmat考满分The smaller rectangle in the figure above represents the original size of a parking lot before its length and width were each extended by w feet to make the larger rectangular lot shown. If the area of the enlarged lot is twice the area of the original lot, what is the value of w?
71 Kevin invested $8,000 for one year at a simple annual interest rate of 6 percent and invested $10,000 for one year at an annual interest rate of 8 percent compounded semiannually. What is the total amount of interest that Kevin earned on the two investments?
72 GMAT、gmat题库、gmat模考、gmat考满分The figure above represents a semicircular archway over a flat street. The semicircle has a center at O and a radius of 6 feet. What is the height h, in feet, of the archway 2 feet from its center?
73 The harvest yield from a certain apple orchard was 350 bushels of apples. If x of the trees in the orchard each yielded 10 bushels of apples, what fraction of the harvest yield was from these x trees?
74 In a certain fraction, the denominator is 16 greater than the numerator. If the fraction is equivalent to 80 percent, what is the denominator of the fraction?
75 Greg assembles units of a certain product at a factory . Each day he is paid $2.00 per unit for the first 40 units that he assembles and $2.50 for each additional unit that he assembles that day ,if Greg assembled at least 30 units on each of two days and was paid a total of $180.00 for assembling units on the two days, what is the greatest possible number of units that he could have assembled on one of the two days ?
76 Which of the following is greatest?
77 Al and Ben are drivers for SD Trucking Company. One snowy day, Ben left SD at 8:00 a.m. heading east and Al left SD at 11:00 a.m. heading west. At a particular time later that day, the dispatcher retrieved data from SD`s vehicle tracking system. The data showed that, up to that time, Al had averaged 40 miles per hour and Ben had averaged 20 miles per hour. It also showed that Al and Ben had driven a combined total of 240 miles. At what time did the dispatcher retrieve data from the vehicle tracking system?
78 Of the land owned by a farmer, 90 percent was cleared for planting. Of the cleared land, 40 percent was planted with soybeans and 50 percent of the cleared land was planted with wheat. If the remaining 720 acres of cleared land was planted with corn, how many acres did the farmer own?
79 At the start of an experiment, a certain population consisted of 3 animals. At the end of each month after the start of the experiment, the population size was double its size at the beginning of that month. Which of the following represents the population size at the end of 10 months?
80 If($$\frac{1}{3}+\frac{1}{4}+\frac{1}{5}+\frac{1}{6})=r(\frac{1}{9}+\frac{1}{12}+\frac{1}{15}+\frac{1}{18}$$) ,then r=
81 If x and y are positive integers such that y is a multiple of 5 and 3x + 4y = 200,then x must be a multiple of which of the following?
82 Which of the following expressions can be written as an integer?(1) $$(\sqrt{82}+\sqrt{82})^{2}$$(2) $$({82})(\sqrt{82})$$(3) $$\frac{(\sqrt{82})(\sqrt{82})}{82}$$




