GMAT 考满分题库

GWD - 逻辑CR - 192
People who have spent a lot of time in contact with animals often develop animal-induced allergies, a significant percentage of which are quite serious. In a survey of current employees in major zoos, about 30 percent had animal-induced allergies. However, a zoo employee who develops a serious animal-induced allergy is very likely to switch to some other occupation.

Which of the following hypotheses receives the strongest support from the information given?
  • AThe incidence of serious animal-induced allergies among current zoo employees is lower than that among the general population. 分析该选项
  • BZoo employees tend to develop animal-induced allergies that are more serious than those of other people who spend equally large amounts of time with animals. 分析该选项
  • CExposure to domestic pets is, on the whole, less likely to cause animal-induced allergy than is exposure to the kinds of animals that are kept in zoos. 分析该选项
  • DThere is no occupation for which the risk of developing an animal-induced allergy is higher than 30 percent. 分析该选项
  • EAmong members of the general population who have spent as much time with animals as zoo employees typically have, the percentage with animal-induced allergies is significantly more than 30 percent. 分析该选项
正确答案: E

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